domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

"Your life, as you know it... is gone to never return."

everything as you've known it... is gone to never return.
so? what am i gonna do from now?
if everything is a mess here
if this used way of think in the ends
is so useless to me.
and everything here is gone.
Gone and it will never return
and now is when i realice that.
For sure, i'd knew that.
but i hide it for self convenience.
but now, now i know that when i finally accep it.
the tears won't stop.
even if i want stop the bleeding.
maybe it won't.

and maybe when i die..
i get to be a car..
or maybe i will turn into the wind
with all my hopeless dreams,
my childish fears and my falling tears.

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