this is something i'd read yesterday from a couple coments of unknowed persons whom give explanations to things that i'd thinked a lot in a past time.. and rarely some of them end on the same answer than me, then to me it's very opening, don't know 'bout the others..
i read it on:
"...It seems there is "somebody" who wants to play with us when we make deep questions. It doesn´t matter how you try to analyze reality, the final answer is written in a languaje that cant be read by our brain algorithims. The point is that reality languaje is very well designed at macroscopic scale. Everything looks fine until you go deeper. Then you receive a message that says something like: "Dont keep this way, you will just turn crazy, you don´t even need to look here..."
As Tipler says, I firmly think that we see the map, but not the territory.
Some people define Anthropic Principle as God, some as probability. Personally, Im not sure at the moment...
But again, If you are alone on a desert isle, who is looking at you and collapsing your quantum wave function (you are in Schrodinger's Cat situation)?
Moreover, Who the hell collapse final quantum wave function of reality? Actually, this is a Feynman question. [?]
If you think in God as some kind of energy, inteligent and concious, you will have travelled a good distance in life path IMHO. But, in that point, what kind of relationship do we have with him/her? Does God want me to go to Africa to help people? Is that the purposal of my life?
I think that this subject is probably the one and only that really matters. I dont look at it as something pedantic and metaphysical, is part of the reality, theres nothing strictly magic in it.
Some people says they only believe in what they see, in regular things...
Sincerely, I find the idea of been rotating right now at a speed of 1000 mph harder to swallow than God existance; thats why I give a chance to this last question
there is no 'meaning' to our lives. we are part of this universe and we just exist. there is no 'meaning' just as there is no 'meaning' to the life of a star. a star is formed and 'lives' its life and it eventually dies. there is no meaning to it, it just exists. the only difference is that we are concious and a star isn't, so we can ask the question 'what is the meaning of life'.
there is no 'point' to our lives. we can do whatever we want with our lives within the limits of the laws of physics. there is no reason why we were created. there is no reason for anything in the universe; it just is.
you can decide what the meaning of your life is. you could say that the meaning of yourlife is to try and make the world a better place, or try and improve other people's lives. alternatively you could say that the meaning of life is to enjoy yourself as much as possible, or even to take over the world and be a tyrannical megolmaniac badass. its up to you to decide the meaning of life; don't ask other people because they cannot tell you the meaning of your life.
that is a very atheistic viewpoint, and i know a lot of people will disagree with it, but it is the most logical viewpoint, as there is nothing that we can observe in the universe that indicates a particular purpose for our being. anything beyond this must invoke 'faith'; i.e. believing in things for which there is no observable evidence e.g. a 'god', whatever a 'god' may be. i'm not trying to say that religions and faiths in gods are wrong. its up to each individual to decide what they believe, and if you believe in a god and believe it created you for some purpose; that's cool. but its not logical, and i'm trying to make a logical explanation of the 'meaning of life', or rather the lack of meaning of life.
i went through a period (i think most people do) when i wanted to know what the meaning of life was. i didn't see any point in anything and i got really depressed. now i just accept that there is no grand 'point', and we can do what the hell we want, and decide the purpose of our own individual lives for ourselves. that would be my advice: stop asking 'what's the point?' and just accept that there is no point.
Maybe its our councious that create our problems. Maybe we dont know how to use it properly. We find hard to accept what we dont understand.
Your viewpoint, thinking in such pragmatical way of life, makes me think about a very tricky subject: Does it care if we do good or bad things?
Sometimes I think about what makes a person like Hitler or Pol-Pot to act like that. IMO its not a matter of political ideas, its a matter of human condition. Both showed the same -dark- human side.
Is this acttitude good or bad? Well, thinking in the same logical-pragmatical way, it is bad. These people generated a lot of human suffering, and we don't like to suffer. So, in a practical way, its logical to stop this kind of people. If we need death penalty to do it, it will be still aceptable, because killing them is going to save all that suffering and deaths.
I have thinked this way sometimes when hearing about certains killer cases, and about the polemical death penalty. Some people is so dangerous for the rest of us that is not a good decision to kidnapped them into jails, regarding the flaws of our justice system.
This way of thinking is interesting, because if executing good will is more rewarding (generates more benefits) than being evil, this fact is going to forced us to act like that. We can live happy our meaningless life, without using the help of ethics and religion."